Korte Family Dentistry is your one-stop shop for reliable dental implants in Lincoln, NE. Whether you’re searching for a durable tooth replacement solution or you want to fix some cosmetic problems, dental implants can help. These oral appliances last for several years! Furthermore, they look just like normal teeth. Dental implants can take your oral health to new heights. Want to learn more about these amazing oral devices? Contact Korte Family Dentistry today to get started!
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are artificial teeth consisting of metal posts, abutments, and dental crowns. They’re used to replace missing teeth or teeth that are damaged from decay or an injury. These devices are placed during a surgical procedure. First, a threaded metal post is inserted into your jawbone, and it fuses around the bone over time. The abutment is placed on top of the post and connects to a dental crown. This crown covers the abutment and post, resembling a natural tooth. The final product is a strong artificial tooth that allows you to eat and speak like normal.
Why Choose Dental Implants?
Wondering if dental implants are right for you? Take a look at some benefits of dental implants below:
Enhanced Chewing Ability
If you have a missing or damaged tooth, this can heavily impact your ability to chew. In fact, you may avoid chewing on that tooth altogether. Luckily, dental implants can help you chew like normal again! These devices fuse together with your jawbone, giving you powerful chewing abilities. This means you can eat all your favorite foods without worrying about damaging the appliance.
Better Appearance
Missing teeth tend to have an effect on the appearance of your smile. This is especially true if you’re missing one of your front teeth. This is another job for dental implants! These appliances look almost identical to your natural teeth. That said, no one will even notice you have a tooth replacement.
When it comes to durability, dental implants are the most durable tooth replacement solution on the market today. These devices typically last for decades with proper care. In fact, many people have their dental implants for life!
Korte Family Dentistry offers the most trusted dental implants in Lincoln, NE. Call us today to get started!